Keep The AC Running: Why Service Your Car Air Conditioning System This Winter

Posted on: 13 October 2022

The temperatures are starting to drop. If you're like most people, you've started using the heater in your car. That doesn't mean you should forget about the air conditioning system. In fact, right now is the perfect time to take your car in to have the air conditioning system serviced. Winter servicing will help get your car's air conditioner ready for summer. But, it will also ensure that you can keep your air conditioner safe throughout the winter months. Read the list provided below. Here are four important reasons to service the AC in your car this winter.  

Keep the Fluids Flowing

Now that you've turned the air conditioner off for the winter, it's time to think about the fluids. Once you turn the AC off in your car, the fluids stop flowing. Unfortunately, the lack of flow can damage your car's air conditioner. This is especially true where the compressor is concerned. One way to protect the compressor is to have your car's air conditioning system serviced this winter. Then, run the air conditioner in your car for a few minutes each week. That way, you can keep the fluids flowing through your car AC all winter long. 

Eliminate Condensation

If you haven't serviced the air conditioner in your car yet, now's the time to do that. Winter AC servicing is especially important for condensation control. You need to run the air conditioner for a few minutes each morning to keep the condensation away. Unfortunately, you might not be able to do that if you haven't serviced the AC yet. Make sure your air conditioner is up for the task, all winter long. Head to the repair shop for an AC service call right away. 

Stop Bacterial Growth

If you're going to postpone your car AC service until next summer, you might want to think about bacteria. Bacteria can grow inside your air conditioner throughout the winter. When you turn your air conditioner on next summer, all that bacteria will blow through the vents. Getting your car air conditioner serviced this winter will help stop the bacteria. During the service call, the vents will get cleaned, and the cabin filter will get changed. You can keep the bacteria away by running the air conditioner several times a day during the winter. 

Be Ready for Unexpected Heat

If you've noticed the weather changes, you know you need to prepare for anything. That's why you should service the air conditioner in your car this winter. You never know when an unexpected heatwave is going to come through. If it does, you want the air conditioner in your car to be ready. The best way to ensure that is to have the AC serviced this winter. 

Contact a local car air conditioning service to learn more. 


preparing your car for winter driving

Is your car ready for the nasty winter weather coming? If you take the time to prepare your car for winter, you will have fewer problems when the weather is terrible. Our blog will show you what all needs to be done to your car to ensure that it is in optimum condition for driving through the snow, wind and ice. When you reach the conclusion, you will know exactly what products to buy, what services to perform and what you needs to think about before you head off to the family's house for the holidays in the dead of winter.

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