3 Tips For Minimizing And Addressing Hail Damage To Your RV

Posted on: 15 March 2023

Anything with exposure to the elements is at risk of damage from hailstorms. These destructive storms can ruin residential roofing, smash windows, and cause substantial damage to vehicles. Of course, your RV isn't immune to these effects, and driving through a severe hailstorm or leaving your RV parked in one can be more costly than you might expect.

The good news is that most RV body damage is repairable, but it's important to address these issues as soon as possible. These three tips will help ensure you can fix any damage to your RV before it results in costlier long-term issues.

1. Avoid Damage When Possible

Of course, the best way to minimize damage to your RV is to avoid it altogether! When it comes to storm damage, the adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure rings truer than ever. If you're expecting hail in your area, postpone plans, park indoors, and do your best to avoid traveling through areas likely to suffer the worst weather.

Even if avoiding inclement weather isn't possible, you can still take steps to minimize it. If it's safe to do so, you may consider pulling over under an underpass or finding some protection if you're on the road when it starts hailing. You won't completely avoid damaging your RV, but you can reduce the likelihood of a hail strike causing more extensive issues.

2. Don't Keep Driving

Hail damage might seem cosmetic, but that doesn't mean you can continue your trip without first addressing any issues. Look for signs of damage to your RV's windows by carefully checking the windshield and windows on the main body. Any cracks or chips can expand suddenly, so avoiding driving is important if you notice glass damage.

You should also inspect for damage to functional exterior components, such as roof vents or air conditioning units. Any damage to the roofing material may also allow water to leak into your RV, which can turn body damage into more substantial water damage. Unless you're sure the damage to your RV is minimal, you'll usually want to cut your trip short rather than risk further issues.

3. Schedule a Professional Estimate

Most importantly, you should consider scheduling an estimate with a shop specializing in RV repair as soon as possible. Even small RVs are fairly complex vehicles requiring a professional eye to inspect the roof, siding, and other components for signs of significant damage. You'll also want a ballpark repair figure before you contact your insurance company.

Hail can affect your RV's functionality, safety, and long-term value. The sooner you take steps to inspect and address hail damage, the easier it will be to restore your RV to its former glory.

To have your vehicle inspected for repairs, visit a local RV body repair shop.


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